Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Activity 8 - Morphological Operations

In this activity, we were tasked to study dilation and erosion -- two of the morpholigical operation techniques applied in image processing. These operations (usually done in binary images) are used to enhance the image for better extraction of information. Morphological techniques have different effects on the image.
Let's take a look a dilation first. Using a structuring element; the dilation of an image is all the translation of the center of the element in the image such that their intersection is non-zero. Dilation, in effect, enlarges the image. The figure below demonstrates dilation of various images using different structuring elements.

Figure 1. Dilation using different structuring elements

Dilation of images can be done by hand. We just have to know the structuring element that would reshape the image. Before the simulation was done, the images as a result of dilation were first predicted. All my predictions were correct in comparison to the images obtained in Fig. 1.

Erosion, on the other hand, shrinks the image. One of the application of erosion is to remove unnecessary pixel on the image. Erosion takes all the translations of a structuring element such that all its pixels are on the image. Erosion can also be predicted by hand. The figure below demonstrates erosion of different images using different structuring elements.

Figure 2. Erosion of images using different structuring elements.

All my predictions were correct compared to images above.

In this activity, I give myself a grade of 10 for predicting properly the images as a result of dilation and erosion and also for properly creating the images above.

I thank Orly Tarun for uselful help.

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